Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer Type Question for Class – 7 

Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer Type Question for Class – 7 


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Chapter Name : Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer Type Question for Class – 7 




Respiration in Organisms Short Answer (Q.1 – Q.10)



Q (1) : What is respiration?


Ans : A process that converts food into energy.


Q (2) : Why do organisms need energy?


Ans : For growth, movement, and all life activities.


Q (3) : What are the two main types of respiration?


Ans : Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.


Q (4) : What is aerobic respiration?


Ans : Respiration that requires oxygen.


Q (5) : What is anaerobic respiration?


Ans : Respiration that occurs without oxygen.



Q (6) : Where does aerobic respiration occur?


Ans : In the mitochondria of cells.



Q (7) : What is the main product of aerobic respiration?


Ans : Energy (ATP), water, and carbon dioxide.



Q (8) : What do we produce during anaerobic respiration in humans?


Ans : Lactic acid and energy.



Q (9) : What does yeast produce during anaerobic respiration?


Ans : Alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide.



Q (10) : What is ATP?


Ans : Adenosine triphosphate; it stores and provides energy for cells.




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Respiration in Organisms Short Answer (Q.11 – Q.30)



Q (11) : What is the equation for aerobic respiration?


Ans : Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy.



Q (12) : How do plants respire?


Ans : By using glucose made during photosynthesis.



Q (13) : What is the role of oxygen in respiration?


Ans : It helps break down glucose to release energy.



Q (14) : Can organisms respire without oxygen?


Ans : Yes, some can use anaerobic respiration.



Q (15) : Which organisms mainly use aerobic respiration?


Ans : Most animals and many plants.



Q (16) : What is cellular respiration?


Ans : The breakdown of glucose to produce energy in cells.



Q (17) : How do fish breathe?


Ans : Through gills that extract oxygen from water.



Q (18) : How do insects respire?


Ans : Using a system of tubes called tracheae.



Q (19) : How do amphibians breathe?


Ans : Through skin and lungs.



Q (20) : What is the main organ for breathing in humans?


Ans : The lungs.



Q (21) : What gas do we inhale?


Ans : Oxygen.



Q (22) : What gas do we exhale?


Ans : Carbon dioxide.



Q (23) : How do plants exchange gases?


Ans : Through small openings called stomata.



Q (24) : What is hemoglobin?


Ans : A protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen.



Q (25) : What happens when we breathe?


Ans : We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.



Q (26) : What makes up the respiratory system?


Ans : Organs like the lungs, trachea, and diaphragm.



Q (27) : How does exercise affect breathing?


Ans : It increases the need for oxygen.



Q (28) : What happens to the respiration rate during exercise?



Ans : It increases to supply more oxygen.



Q (29) : What is the difference between breathing and respiration?


Ans : Breathing is the act of inhaling and exhaling; respiration is the chemical process of energy production.



Q (30) : How do bacteria respire?


Ans : They can respire either aerobically or anaerobically.




Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer for Class- 7, Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer type Question for Class- 7, PDF Notes
Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer for Class- 7, Respiration in Organisms 100 Short Answer type Question for Class- 7, PDF Notes




Respiration in Organisms Short Answer (Q.31 – Q.50)



Q (31) : What is fermentation?


Ans : An anaerobic process that produces alcohol or acid.



Q (32) : Do plants respire at night?



Ans : Yes, they respire continuously, even without sunlight.



Q (33) : What is the main purpose of respiration?


Ans : To produce energy for cellular activities.



Q (34) : How does temperature affect respiration?


Ans : Higher temperatures can increase the rate of respiration.



Q (35) : What is oxygen debt?


Ans : The amount of oxygen needed to break down lactic acid after intense exercise.



Q (36) : How do birds breathe?


Ans : Using lungs and air sacs for efficient gas exchange.



Q (37) : What is the main byproduct of respiration?


Ans : Carbon dioxide.



Q (38) : What type of respiration do deep-sea organisms often use?


Ans : Anaerobic respiration due to low oxygen availability.



Q (39) : What happens to the energy produced during respiration?


Ans : It is used for various cellular functions.



Q (40) : How do plants store energy from respiration?


Ans : As glucose or starch.





Q (41) : What do decomposers do?


Ans : They break down dead organic matter, recycling nutrients.



Q (42) : How does respiration relate to climate change?


Ans : It releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.



Q (43) : What is the difference in efficiency between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?


Ans : Aerobic respiration is more efficient, producing more ATP per glucose molecule.



Q (44) : What role does the diaphragm play in breathing?


Ans : It contracts and relaxes to help move air in and out of the lungs.



Q (45) : How do mammals primarily get oxygen?


Ans : By inhaling it into their lungs.



Q (46) : What happens if an organism cannot respire?


Ans : It cannot produce energy and will die.



Q (47) : What adaptations do animals have for respiration?


Ans : Gills in fish, lungs in mammals, and tracheae in insects.



Q (48) : How does altitude affect respiration?


Ans : Higher altitudes have lower oxygen levels, making it harder to breathe.



Q (49) : What is the importance of respiration in ecosystems?


Ans : It recycles carbon and energy through food webs.



Q (50) : How does respiration and photosynthesis relate?


Ans : They are opposite processes; photosynthesis makes glucose, while respiration uses it.



Respiration in Organisms Short Answer (Q.51 – Q.80)



Q (51) : What do aerobic organisms need to survive?


Ans : Oxygen.



Q (52) : What do anaerobic organisms prefer?


Ans : Environments without oxygen.



Q (53) : How does the body use lactic acid after exercise?


Ans : It converts it back to glucose when oxygen is available.



Q (54) : What is a respiratory surface?


Ans : An area where gas exchange occurs, like lungs or gills.



Q (55) : How do larger animals breathe efficiently?



Ans : They have specialized respiratory systems to meet higher oxygen demands



Q (56) : What is the significance of respiration in plants?


Ans : It helps them grow and produce energy for cellular activities.



Q (57) : What are alveoli?


Ans : Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs.



Q (58) : What is external respiration?


Ans : The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and blood in the lungs.



Q (59) : What is internal respiration?


Ans : The exchange of gases between blood and body cells.



Q (60) : How do some bacteria obtain energy?



Ans : By breaking down organic matter or inorganic compounds.




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Q (61) : What is a byproduct of cellular respiration?


Ans : Water, along with carbon dioxide.



Q (62) : What do decomposers release during respiration?


Ans : Nutrients back into the soil.



Q (63) : How do plants use the oxygen produced during photosynthesis?


Ans : For respiration.



Q (64) : What role does respiration play in energy transfer?



Ans : It converts stored energy in food into usable energy.



Q (65) : How do amphibians breathe as larvae?


Ans : They typically use gills before developing lungs.



Q (66) : What are stomata?


Ans : Small openings on plant leaves for gas exchange.



Q (67) : What happens to the carbon dioxide produced in respiration?


Ans : It is released into the atmosphere or used by plants.



Q (68) : How does respiration contribute to body temperature?


Ans : Energy production generates heat.



Q (69) : What is the relationship between respiration and digestion?


Ans : Digestion breaks down food, providing glucose for respiration.



Q (70) : How do mammals adapt to low oxygen environments?


Ans : They may increase lung capacity or heart rate.




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Q (71) : What is the role of enzymes in respiration?


Ans : They help speed up chemical reactions during energy production.



Q (72) : How do aquatic plants respire?


Ans : Through structures that allow gas exchange with water.



Q (73) : What can high levels of carbon dioxide indicate?


Ans : Poor air quality or high respiration rates.



Q (74) : How do respiration rates change with age?


Ans : They can decrease as metabolic rates decline.



Q (75) : What is the significance of the Krebs cycle?


Ans : It produces energy carriers used in aerobic respiration.



Q (76) : How do cold-blooded animals respire?



Ans : Their respiration rate may decrease in cooler temperatures.



Q (77) : What factors can affect respiration rates?



Ans : Activity level, temperature, and oxygen availability.



Q (78) : What happens during the process of glycolysis?



Ans : Glucose is broken down to produce energy.



Q (79) : How do cacti respire?


Ans : They open their stomata at night to reduce water loss.



Q (80) : What is the effect of pollutants on respiration?


Ans : They can harm respiratory systems in animals and humans.




Respiration in Organisms Short Answer (Q.81 – Q.100)



Q (81) : How do parasites respire?


Ans : Many rely on their hosts for oxygen and nutrients.



Q (82) : What is the function of the trachea?


Ans : It transports air to and from the lungs.



Q (83) : How do some plants adapt to low oxygen?


Ans : They develop aerenchyma, which helps in gas exchange.



Q (84) : What is the significance of aerobic bacteria?


Ans : They help decompose organic matter and recycle nutrients.



Q (85) : How does the respiratory rate change during sleep?


Ans : It typically slows down.



Q (86) : What are some symptoms of respiratory distress?


Ans : Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or coughing.



Q (87) : How do mammals like whales respire?


Ans : They surface to breathe air through a blowhole.



Q (88) : What is the role of carbon dioxide in respiration?



Ans : It is a waste product that must be expelled from the body.



Q (89) : How do root cells in plants respire?


Ans : They use oxygen from the soil to break down sugars.



Q (90) : What are the effects of high carbon dioxide levels?


Ans : They can lead to acidification in water bodies.



Q (91) : How do terrestrial plants adapt to drought?



Ans : They may close stomata to conserve water, affecting respiration.



Q (92) : What is the importance of nitrogen in respiration?



Ans : It is not directly involved in respiration but is crucial for overall plant health.



Q (93) : How do reptiles breathe?


Ans : They use lungs, like mammals, but some can also absorb oxygen through their skin.



Q (94) : What role do red blood cells play in respiration?



Ans : They transport oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.



Q (95) : How do fungi respire?



Ans : They can respire aerobically or anaerobically, depending on the environment.



Q (96) : What is the primary function of the nasal passages?


Ans : To filter, warm, and humidify the air we breathe.



Q (97) : How do respiratory illnesses affect respiration?


Ans : They can obstruct airflow and reduce oxygen intake.



Q (98) : What is the connection between respiration and metabolism?


Ans : Respiration is a part of metabolism, providing energy for metabolic processes.



Q (99) : How do plants help improve air quality?


Ans : They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis.



Q (100) : What is the importance of studying respiration in organisms?


Ans : It helps us understand how life functions and the interdependence of ecosystems.




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